Two misconceptions about recliner lift chairs

18 May 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Here are two misconceptions about recliner lift chairs.

They tilt forward too quickly in a way that can make people fall out of them

Whilst many elderly and less mobile individuals find it challenging to go from a seated position to a standing one after sitting in a chair, some of these people don't invest in recliner lift chairs that could help them with this movement, because they fear that this type of chair will push them forward too quickly, in a way that might cause them to stagger and fall to the floor.

This is not the case at all. Whilst recliner lift chairs can be used by anyone, regardless of their mobility levels, the companies who design and manufacture them do so with less able-bodied people in mind and so these chairs are made to help these individuals safely get in and out of a chair. Because of this, most recliner lift chairs are deliberately designed to operate at a slow, steady and very safe pace that enables people who have stiffness or pain in their limbs to gently get out of or into their chair without stumbling. Whilst some of these chairs have speed controls that give people the option of operating them at a higher speed if they feel safe doing so, the majority of these chairs move at a pace that is much too slow and steady to cause an injury.

A chair with a recliner function is unnecessary if a person already owns a standard armchair and an ottoman

The other misconception about these chairs that have a recliner function as well as a sit-to-stand function, is that they're not really necessary if a person already owns a standard armchair and an ottoman, as they could simply slide down a bit in their standard armchair and rest their feet on the ottoman in front of them. However, this is nowhere near as comfortable or supportive for the person's back as a recliner chair.

A recliner chair whose backrest can be pushed back so that its angle matches that of the person's body whilst they lay on it gives that person lumbar support when they're in this position that they would not have if they were to slide down on a typical armchair, whose seat and backrest usually form a 90-degree angle. Furthermore, an ottoman cannot provide the same amount of comfort as a recliner chair's integrated footrest, as an ottoman can easily slide out of place when a person adjusts their foot position, and result in them having to then sit up and move the ottoman back to the original position. In contrast, because a recliner chair's footrest is attached to the chair itself, it won't cause this issue.
